Source code for spyder.processor.htmllinkextractor

# Copyright (c) 2011 Daniel Truemper
# 21-Jan-2011
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
The :class:`DefaultHtmlLinkExtractor` will try to extract new links from the
``curi.content_body``. In order to find them two regular expressions are used.

1. The ``RELEVANT_TAG_EXTRACTOR`` extracts the following tags:
    - ``<script>..</script>``
    - ``<style>..</style>``
    - ``<meta>``
    - or any other open tag with at least one attribute (e.g. not ``<br>``).

2. The ``LINK_EXTRACTOR`` extracts links from tags using `href` or `src`

If the link is relative, the appropriate prefix is automatically added here.

The regular expressions have been adopted from Heritrix. See the Heritrix 3
source code:


.. note:: Heritrix has a newer way of extracting links, i.e. with different
    regular expressions. Since these are working for me at the moment, I am
    fine with it.
import re
import htmlentitydefs

import urlparse

from spyder.core.constants import CURI_EXTRACTED_URLS
from spyder.core.constants import CURI_OPTIONAL_TRUE, CURI_EXTRACTION_FINISHED
from spyder.encoding import get_content_type_encoding

# Maximum number of chars an element name may have

# Pattern for extracting relevant tags from HTML
# This pattern extracts:
#  1: <script>...</script>
#  2: <style>...</style>
#  3: <meta...>
#  4: any other open tag with at least one attribute
#     (eg matches "<a href='boo'>" but not "</a>" or "<br>")
# Groups in this pattern:
#  1: script src=foo>boo</script
#  2: just the script open tag
#  3: style type=moo>zoo</style
#  4: just the style open tag
#  5: entire other tag, without '<' '>'
#  6: element
#  7: meta
#  8: !-- comment --
RELEVANT_TAG_EXTRACTOR = "<(?:((script[^>]*)>[^(</script)]*</script)" + "|" + \
    "((style[^/]*)>[^(</style)]*</style)" + "|" + \
    "(((meta)|(?:\\w{1,MAX_ELEMENT_REPLACE}))\\s+[^>]*)" + "|" + \

# The simpler pattern to extract links from tags
# Groups in this expression:
#  1: the attribute name
#  2: href | src
#  3: the url in quotes
LINK_EXTRACTOR = "(\w+)[^>]*?(?:(href|src))\s*=\s*" + \

[docs]class DefaultHtmlLinkExtractor(object): """ The default extractor for Links from HTML pages. The internal regular expressions currently are not modifiable. Only the maximum length of an opening tag can be configured using the ``settings.REGEX_LINK_XTRACTOR_MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH``. """ def __init__(self, settings): """ Initialize the regular expressions. """ max_size = settings.REGEX_LINK_XTRACTOR_MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH self._tag_extractor = re.compile( RELEVANT_TAG_EXTRACTOR.replace(MAX_ELEMENT_REPLACE, str(max_size)), re.I | re.S) self._link_extractor = re.compile(LINK_EXTRACTOR, re.I | re.S) self._base_url = "" def __call__(self, curi): """ Actually extract links from the html content if the content type matches. """ if not self._restrict_content_type(curi): return curi if CURI_EXTRACTION_FINISHED in curi.optional_vars and \ curi.optional_vars[CURI_EXTRACTION_FINISHED] == CURI_OPTIONAL_TRUE: return curi (_type, encoding) = get_content_type_encoding(curi) try: content = curi.content_body.decode(encoding) except Exception: content = curi.content_body parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(curi.url) self._base_url = curi.url # iterate over all tags for tag in self._tag_extractor.finditer(content): if tag.start(8) > 0: # a html comment, ignore continue elif tag.start(7) > 0: # a meta tag curi = self._process_meta(curi, parsed_url, content, (tag.start(5), tag.end(5))) elif tag.start(5) > 0: # generic <whatever tag curi = self._process_generic_tag(curi, parsed_url, content, (tag.start(6), tag.end(6)), (tag.start(5), tag.end(5))) elif tag.start(1) > 0: # <script> tag # TODO no script handling so far pass elif tag.start(3) > 0: # <style> tag # TODO no tag handling so far pass return curi def _process_generic_tag(self, curi, parsed_url, content, element_name_tuple, element_tuple): """ Process a generic tag. This can be anything but `meta`, `script` or `style` tags. `content` is the decoded content body. `element_name_tuple` is a tuple containing (start,end) integers of the current tag name. `element_tuple` is a tuple containing (start,end) integers of the current element """ (start, end) = element_name_tuple el_name = content[start:end] if "a" == el_name.lower(): curi = self._extract_links(curi, parsed_url, content, element_tuple) elif "base" == el_name.lower(): self._base_url = self._get_links(content, element_tuple)[0] return curi def _get_links(self, content, element_tuple): """ Do the actual link extraction and return the list of links. `content` is the decoded content body. `element_tuple` is a tuple containing (start,end) integers of the current element """ links = [] (start, end) = element_tuple element = self._unescape_html(content[start:end]) for link_candidate in self._link_extractor.finditer(element): link =[1:-1] if link.find("mailto:") > -1 or link.find("javascript:") > -1: continue if link.find("://") == -1: link = urlparse.urljoin(self._base_url, link) links.append(link) return links def _extract_links(self, curi, parsed_url, content, element_tuple): """ Extract links from an element, e.g. href="" attributes. """ links = self._get_links(content, element_tuple) linkstring = "\n".join(links).encode('ascii', 'replace') if not CURI_EXTRACTED_URLS in curi.optional_vars: curi.optional_vars[CURI_EXTRACTED_URLS] = linkstring else: curi.optional_vars[CURI_EXTRACTED_URLS] += "\n" + linkstring return curi def _process_meta(self, curi, _parsed_url, _content, _element_tuple): """ Process a meta tag. """ return curi def _restrict_content_type(self, curi): """ Decide based on the `CrawlUri`s Content-Type whether we want to process it. """ allowed = ["text/html", "application/xhtml", "text/vnd.wap.wml", "application/vnd.wap.wml", "application/vnd.wap.xhtm"] (ctype, _enc) = get_content_type_encoding(curi) return ctype in allowed def _unescape_html(self, link): """ Unescape the link. keep &amp;, &gt;, &lt; in the source code. """ def fixup(m): text = if text[:2] == "&#": # character reference try: if text[:3] == "&#x": return unichr(int(text[3:-1], 16)) else: return unichr(int(text[2:-1])) except ValueError: pass else: # named entity try: text = unichr(htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint[text[1:-1]]) except KeyError: pass return text return re.sub("&#?\w+;", fixup, link)