Source code for spyder.processor.fetcher

# Copyright (c) 2011 Daniel Truemper
# 14-Jan-2011
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Module for downloading content from the web.

TODO: document pycurls features, i.e. what it can download.

import logging

from urlparse import urlsplit

from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient, HTTPRequest
from tornado.httputil import HTTPHeaders

from zmq.eventloop.ioloop import IOLoop

from spyder.core.constants import CURI_SITE_USERNAME
from spyder.core.constants import CURI_SITE_PASSWORD
from spyder.time import deserialize_date_time

LOG = logging.getLogger('fetcher')

[docs]class FetchProcessor(object): """ A processing class for downloading all kinds of stuff from the web. """ def __init__(self, settings, io_loop=None): """ Initialize the members. """ self._user_agent = settings.USER_AGENT assert self._user_agent self._io_loop = io_loop or IOLoop.instance() self._follow_redirects = settings.FOLLOW_REDIRECTS self._max_redirects = settings.MAX_REDIRECTS self._gzip = settings.USE_GZIP max_clients = settings.MAX_CLIENTS max_simultaneous_connections = settings.MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_CONNECTIONS self._client = AsyncHTTPClient(self._io_loop, max_clients=max_clients, max_simultaneous_connections=max_simultaneous_connections) def __call__(self, msg, out_stream): """ Work on the current `DataMessage` and send the result to `out_stream`. """ # prepare the HTTPHeaders headers = prepare_headers(msg) last_modified = None if msg.curi.req_header: # check if we have a date when the page was last crawled if "Last-Modified" in msg.curi.req_header: last_modified = deserialize_date_time( msg.curi.req_header["Last-Modified"]) # check if we have username and password present auth_username = None auth_password = None if msg.curi.optional_vars and \ CURI_SITE_USERNAME in msg.curi.optional_vars and \ CURI_SITE_PASSWORD in msg.curi.optional_vars: auth_username = msg.curi.optional_vars[CURI_SITE_USERNAME] auth_password = msg.curi.optional_vars[CURI_SITE_PASSWORD] # create the request request = HTTPRequest(msg.curi.effective_url, method="GET", headers=headers, auth_username=auth_username, auth_password=auth_password, if_modified_since=last_modified, follow_redirects=self._follow_redirects, max_redirects=self._max_redirects, user_agent=self._user_agent)"proc.fetch::request for %s" % msg.curi.url) self._client.fetch(request, handle_response(msg, out_stream))
[docs]def prepare_headers(msg): """ Construct the :class:`HTTPHeaders` with all the necessary information for the request. """ # construct the headers headers = HTTPHeaders() if msg.curi.req_header: # check if we have a previous Etag if "Etag" in msg.curi.req_header: headers["If-None-Match"] = \ msg.curi.req_header["Etag"] # manually set the Host header since we are requesting using an IP host = urlsplit(msg.curi.url).hostname if host is None: LOG.error("proc.fetch::cannot extract hostname from url '%s'" % msg.curi.url) else: headers["Host"] = host return headers
[docs]def handle_response(msg, out_stream): """ Decorator for the actual callback function that will extract interesting info and forward the response. """ def handle_server_response(response): """ The actual callback function. Extract interesting info from the response using :meth:`extract_info_from_response` and forward the result to the `out_stream`. """ extract_info_from_response(response, msg)"proc.fetch::response for %s (took '%s'ms)" % (msg.curi.url, response.request_time)) out_stream.send_multipart(msg.serialize()) return handle_server_response
[docs]def extract_info_from_response(response, msg): """ Extract the interesting information from a HTTPResponse. """ msg.curi.status_code = response.code msg.curi.req_header = response.request.headers msg.curi.rep_header = response.headers msg.curi.req_time = response.request_time msg.curi.queue_time = response.time_info["queue"] msg.curi.content_body = response.body return msg