Source code for spyder.core.worker

# Copyright (c) 2011 Daniel Truemper
# 10-Jan-2011
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This module contains a ZeroMQ based Worker abstraction.

The `ZmqWorker` class expects an incoming and one outgoing `zmq.socket` as well
as an instance of the `spyder.core.mgmt.ZmqMgmt` class.
import traceback

from zmq.eventloop.ioloop import IOLoop
from zmq.eventloop.zmqstream import ZMQStream

from spyder.core.constants import ZMQ_SPYDER_MGMT_WORKER
from spyder.core.constants import ZMQ_SPYDER_MGMT_WORKER_QUIT
from spyder.core.log import LoggingMixin
from spyder.core.messages import DataMessage

[docs]class ZmqWorker(object, LoggingMixin): """ This is the ZMQ worker implementation. The worker will register a :class:`ZMQStream` with the configured :class:`zmq.Socket` and :class:`zmq.eventloop.ioloop.IOLoop` instance. Upon `ZMQStream.on_recv` the configured `processors` will be executed with the deserialized context and the result will be published through the configured `zmq.socket`. """ def __init__(self, insocket, outsocket, mgmt, processing, log_handler, log_level, io_loop=None): """ Initialize the `ZMQStream` with the `insocket` and `io_loop` and store the `outsocket`. `insocket` should be of the type `zmq.socket.PULL` `outsocket` should be of the type `zmq.socket.PUB` `mgmt` is an instance of `spyder.core.mgmt.ZmqMgmt` that handles communication between master and worker processes. """ LoggingMixin.__init__(self, log_handler, log_level) self._insocket = insocket self._io_loop = io_loop or IOLoop.instance() self._outsocket = outsocket self._processing = processing self._mgmt = mgmt self._in_stream = ZMQStream(self._insocket, self._io_loop) self._out_stream = ZMQStream(self._outsocket, self._io_loop) def _quit(self, msg): """ The worker is quitting, stop receiving messages. """ if ZMQ_SPYDER_MGMT_WORKER_QUIT == self.stop() def _receive(self, msg): """ We have a message! `msg` is a serialized version of a `DataMessage`. """ message = DataMessage(msg) try: # this is the real work we want to do curi = self._processing(message.curi) message.curi = curi except: # catch any uncaught exception and only log it as CRITICAL self._logger.critical( "worker::Uncaught exception executing the worker for URL %s!" % (message.curi.url,)) self._logger.critical("worker::%s" % (traceback.format_exc(),)) # finished, now send the result back to the master self._out_stream.send_multipart(message.serialize())
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the worker. """ self._mgmt.add_callback(ZMQ_SPYDER_MGMT_WORKER, self._quit) self._in_stream.on_recv(self._receive)
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop the worker. """ # stop receiving self._in_stream.stop_on_recv() self._mgmt.remove_callback(ZMQ_SPYDER_MGMT_WORKER, self._quit) # but work on anything we might already have self._in_stream.flush() self._out_stream.flush()
[docs] def close(self): """ Close all open sockets. """ self._in_stream.close() self._insocket.close() self._out_stream.close() self._outsocket.close()
[docs]class AsyncZmqWorker(ZmqWorker): """ Asynchronous version of the `ZmqWorker`. This worker differs in that the `self._processing` method should have two arguments: the message and the socket where the result should be sent to! """ def _receive(self, msg): """ We have a message! Instead of the synchronous version we do not handle serializing and sending the result to the `self._outsocket`. This has to be handled by the `self._processing` method. """ message = DataMessage(msg) try: self._processing(message, self._out_stream) except: # catch any uncaught exception and only log it as CRITICAL self._logger.critical("Uncaught exception executing the worker!") self._logger.critical(traceback.format_exc())