Source code for spyder.core.master

# Copyright (c) 2011 Daniel Truemper
# 31-Jan-2011
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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A ZeroMQ master, i.e. the producer of URIs.
import traceback
from Queue import Empty

from zmq.eventloop.ioloop import IOLoop, PeriodicCallback
from zmq.eventloop.zmqstream import ZMQStream

from spyder.core.constants import ZMQ_SPYDER_MGMT_WORKER
from spyder.core.constants import ZMQ_SPYDER_MGMT_WORKER_AVAIL
from spyder.core.constants import ZMQ_SPYDER_MGMT_WORKER_QUIT
from spyder.core.constants import ZMQ_SPYDER_MGMT_WORKER_QUIT_ACK
from spyder.core.messages import DataMessage
from spyder.core.log import LoggingMixin

[docs]class ZmqMaster(object, LoggingMixin): """ This is the ZMQ Master implementation. The master will send :class:`DataMessage` object to the workers and receive the processed messages. Unknown links will then be added to the frontier. """ def __init__(self, settings, identity, insocket, outsocket, mgmt, frontier, log_handler, log_level, io_loop): """ Initialize the master. """ LoggingMixin.__init__(self, log_handler, log_level) self._identity = identity self._io_loop = io_loop or IOLoop.instance() self._in_stream = ZMQStream(insocket, io_loop) self._out_stream = ZMQStream(outsocket, io_loop) self._mgmt = mgmt self._frontier = frontier self._running = False self._available_workers = [] # periodically check if there are pending URIs to crawl self._periodic_update = PeriodicCallback(self._send_next_uri, settings.MASTER_PERIODIC_UPDATE_INTERVAL, io_loop=io_loop) # start this periodic callback when you are waiting for the workers to # finish self._periodic_shutdown = PeriodicCallback(self._shutdown_wait, 500, io_loop=io_loop) self._shutdown_counter = 0 self._logger.debug("zmqmaster::initialized")
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the master. """ self._mgmt.add_callback(ZMQ_SPYDER_MGMT_WORKER, self._worker_msg) self._in_stream.on_recv(self._receive_processed_uri) self._periodic_update.start() self._running = True self._logger.debug("zmqmaster::starting...")
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop the master gracefully, i.e. stop sending more URIs that should get processed. """ self._logger.debug("zmqmaster::stopping...") self._running = False self._periodic_update.stop()
[docs] def shutdown(self): """ Shutdown the master and notify the workers. """ self._logger.debug("zmqmaster::shutdown...") self.stop() self._mgmt.publish(topic=ZMQ_SPYDER_MGMT_WORKER, identity=self._identity, data=ZMQ_SPYDER_MGMT_WORKER_QUIT) self._frontier.close() self._periodic_shutdown.start()
def _shutdown_wait(self): """ Callback called from `self._periodic_shutdown` in order to wait for the workers to finish. """ self._shutdown_counter += 1 if 0 == len(self._available_workers) or self._shutdown_counter > 5: self._periodic_shutdown.stop() self._logger.debug("zmqmaster::bye bye...") self._io_loop.stop()
[docs] def close(self): """ Close all open sockets. """ self._in_stream.close() self._out_stream.close()
[docs] def finished(self): """ Return true if all uris have been processed and the master is ready to be shut down. """ return not self._running
def _worker_msg(self, msg): """ Called when a worker has sent a :class:`MgmtMessage`. """ if ZMQ_SPYDER_MGMT_WORKER_AVAIL == self._available_workers.append(msg.identity)"zmqmaster::A new worker is available (%s)" % msg.identity) self._send_next_uri() if ZMQ_SPYDER_MGMT_WORKER_QUIT_ACK == if msg.identity in self._available_workers: self._available_workers.remove(msg.identity)"zmqmaster::Removing worker (%s)" % msg.identity) def _send_next_uri(self): """ See if there are more uris to process and send them to the workers if there are any. At this point there is a very small heuristic in order to maximize the throughput: try to keep the `self._out_stream._send_queue` full. """ if not self._running: self._logger.error("Master is not running, not sending more uris") return num_workers = len(self._available_workers) if self._running and num_workers > 0: while self._out_stream._send_queue.qsize() < num_workers * 4: try: next_curi = self._frontier.get_next() except Empty: # well, frontier has nothing to process right now self._logger.debug("zmqmaster::Nothing to crawl right now") break"zmqmaster::Begin crawling next URL (%s)" % next_curi.url) msg = DataMessage(identity=self._identity, curi=next_curi) self._out_stream.send_multipart(msg.serialize()) def _receive_processed_uri(self, raw_msg): """ Receive and reschedule an URI that has been processed. Additionally add all extracted URLs to the frontier. """ msg = DataMessage(raw_msg)"zmqmaster::Crawling URL (%s) finished" % msg.curi.url) try: if 200 <= msg.curi.status_code < 300: # we have some kind of success code! yay self._frontier.process_successful_crawl(msg.curi) elif 300 <= msg.curi.status_code < 400: # Some kind of redirect code. This will only happen if the number # of redirects exceeds settings.MAX_REDIRECTS self._frontier.process_redirect(msg.curi) elif 400 <= msg.curi.status_code < 500: # some kind of error where the resource could not be found. self._frontier.process_not_found(msg.curi) elif 500 <= msg.curi.status_code < 600: # some kind of server error self._frontier.process_server_error(msg.curi) except: self._logger.critical("zmqmaster::Uncaught exception in the sink") self._logger.critical("zmqmaster::%s" % (traceback.format_exc(),)) self.stop() self._send_next_uri()